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Автор Тема: Список СОВМЕСТИМЫХ ИГР с win10  (Прочитано 11166 раз)

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Список СОВМЕСТИМЫХ ИГР с win10
« : 31 Июля 2015, 08:04:14 »

Этот Список ЯВНО больше, чем предыдущий.

4ghz i7 4790 (4.6ghz, slightly OC'd.)

MSI Gaming 7

16GB DDR3 1600

120GB Corsair GTX SSD (boot)

2TB WD Black (data)

2x MSI R9 280 (GPU = 1015 / RAM = 1300.)

Windows 10 Build 10130. (Previously 9926.)


Windows 10 Games Compatibility List

8BitBoy - Playable.

A Valley Without Wind 2 - Playable.

Age of Mythology - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Age of Wonders - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Alan Wake - Playable. (Tested by HydroBMG.)

Alien Isolation - Playable.

Alice : Madness Returns - Playable.

Amnesia - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

ArcheAge - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Arma 3 - Playable.

Assassin's Creed - Playable. (Tested by HydroBMG.)

Assassin's Creed II - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Assassin's Creed III - Playable.

Assassin's Creed IV - Playable. (Some PhysX issues. Tested by NadyaKowalska.)

Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Assassin's Creed : Liberation - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Assassin's Creed : Freedom Cry - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Assassin's Creed : Unity - Playable. (Tested by NadyaKowalska.)

AudioSurf - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Avengers Alliance (Free from Store) - Not Playable. Would not install.

Awesomenauts - Playable.

Batman : Arkham Asylum - Needed to verify integrity of game cache first. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Batman : Arkham City GOTY - Playable. (Windows 8 Compatibility Mode.)

Batman : Arkham Origins - Playable.

BattleBlock Theater - Playable.

Battlefield 2 - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Battlefield 3 - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Battlefield 4 - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Battlefield 4 (with Nvidia's 3D Vision) - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Battlefield Hardline BETA - Playable.

Battlepaths - Playable.

Bejeweled III - Playable.

Ben There, Dan That! - Playable.

BigFishGames.com - Games are not playable due to activation errors. DRM issues. (Tested by yendao42.)

Binary Domain - Playable. (Windows 7 Compatibility Mode.)

Bioshock - Playable.

Bioshock 2 - Playable.

Bioshock Infinite - Playable.

Blade Kitten - Playable.

Blades of Time - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Blake Stone : Aliens Of Gold (Original) - Playable. (Apogee Throwback Pack via Steam through DosBox.)

Blake Stone : Planet Strike! (Original) - Playable. (Apogee Throwback Pack via Steam through DosBox.)

Bleed - Playable.

Bloodsports.TV - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Bionic Commando - Playable.

Bionic Commando Rearmed - Playable.

Borderlands - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Borderlands 2 - Playable.

Borderlands : The Pre-Sequel - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

BF 1942 - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Breach - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Broforce - Playable.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - Playable.

Call of Duty : Advanced Warfare - Playable.

Call of Duty : Black Ops II - Playable.

Call of Duty : Black Ops II Multiplayer - Playable.

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare II - Playable. (Windows 7 Compatibility Mode.)

Call of Duty IV : Modern Warfare - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare III - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Call of Duty : World at War - Playable. (Tested by Chris-The-BiPolar-Bear.)

Call of Juarez : Bound in Blood - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Captain America : The Winter Soldier (Free game in Store) - Playable.

Castle Crashers - Playable.

The Cave - Playable. Needed to verify game integrity.

Cities : Skylines - Playable. (Tested by Murillo Ferrari.)

Civil War II - Playable. (Tested by csiemers.)

Civilization 5 - Playable. (Needed to install direct X from the game folder. This fixed the crash issue.) (Tested by Charles A J.)

Clickr - Playable.

Clicker Heroes - Playable (Tested by Auutumnal.)

Command and Conquer : Red Alert 3 - Playable.

Command and Conquer 4 : Tiberian Twilight - Playable.

Commandos 3 : Destination Berlin - Playable. (Couldn't check screen resolution and had some display flickering in the Menu, but game played fine with no flickering once loaded.)

Company Of Heroes 2 - Playable.

Counter Strike (as well as Condition Zero and Source) - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Counter Strike Nexon Zombies - Not Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Counter Strike : Global Offensive - Playable.

Crusader : No Remorse - Playable. (Tends to crash on exiting. Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Crusader Kings 2 - Playable. (Tested by AlanC9.)

Cry of Fear - Not Playable. (Crashes at title screen. Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Crysis - Playable. (Tested by Jac70.)

Crysis 2 : Maximum Edition - Playable. (Windows Defender excluded and ran in Win 8 compatibility mode.)

Crysis 3 - Playable. (Tested by guygoan.)

Crysis Warhead - Playable.

Cubeworld - Playable. (Crashes when exiting. Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

The Cursed Crusade - Playable.

D.C. Universe Online - Playable. (Tested by darkgamerx.)

Daikatana - Playable. (Full screen only works with 800x600 or lower. Could be related to my set up though.)

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic - Playable.

Dark Soul - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

The Darkness II - Playable.

Darkest Dungeon - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Darkreign 2 - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Darksiders - Playable.

Darksiders 2 - Playable. (had some issues at first try...)

Darkwood - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Dawn Of War  (Soul Storm) - Playable. (Played through 2 online games with no issues.)

Dawn Of War II - Playable.

Dawn Of War II : Chaos Rising - Playable.

Dead Effect - Playable.

Dead Island - Playable. When using multiple monitors, disable a monitor so the game will always stay focused. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Dead Island : Riptide - Playable. When using multiple monitors, disable a monitor so the game will always stay focused. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Deadpool - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Dead Rising 3 - Playable but with issues. (Longer than normal load times. And display issues, with light and shadows. **Still need to check with single card vs. crossfire, but it worked fine in Windows 7 for me***)

Dead Space - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Dead Space 2 - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Deathtrap - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Defense Grid : The Awakening - Not Playable. (Tested by MrBaxterU.)

Defense Grid 2 - Playable.

Defiance - Playable. (Tested by TIDescomplica.)

Deus EX : Game Of The Year Edition (steam ver) - Playable. (Needed some tweaking to the display settings in Windows prior to loading the game. I reckon this will depend on your monitor and some folks will have no issues.)

Deus EX : Human Revolution - Playable.

Deus EX : The Fall - Playable.

Devil May Cry 4 - Playable in Direct X10 (Not playable when run with default.)

Diablo III - Playable. (Tested by DeathOfTime.)

Dishonored - Playable. (Windows 8 Compatibility Mode.)

Divinity : Original Sin - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Don't Starve - Playable. (Tested by DeathOfTime.)

Don't Starve Together - Playable. (Tested by DeathOfTime.)

Doom 3 - Playable. (Tested by colakid)

Driver - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Dragon Age : Origins - Playable. (Tested by AlanC9.)

Dragon Age II - Playable.

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition - Playable.

Dungeon Defenders - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Dungeons 2 - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Dungeonland - Playable.

Dying Light - Playable. (Tested by Lugoj_ESP .)

Shadowgrounds - Not Playable. Crashed after menu at game load.

Shadowgrounds : Survivor - Not Playable. Crashed after menu at game load.

Earth 2150 Trilogy - Playable.

Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Playable.

Eldorado : Halo Online - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Elite Dangerous - Playable. (Tested by Steve-Nosscar.)

The Escapists - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

ETHER VAPOR - Playable. (Tested by Nirimetus.)

Europa Universalis IV - Playable.

Eve Online - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Everquest - Playable. (Tested by dozrguy.)

Everquest 2 - Playable. (Tested by Lugoj_ESP .)

Extreme Rise Of The Triad (Original) - Playable. (Apogee Throwback Pack via Steam through DosBox.)

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy - Playable.

Fallout 3 : Game Of The Year Edition - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Fallout : New Vegas - Playable.

Far Cry 2 - Playable.

Far Cry 3 - Playable. (Played through the intro and first radio tower.)

Fary Cry 3 : Blood Dragon - Playable.

Far Cry 4 - Playable. (Tested by NadyaKowalska.)

Farming Simulator (2011, 2013, 2015) - All Playable. (Tested by Howard VanTassel.)

Faster Than Light (FTL) - Playable.

F.E.A.R. - Playable.

F.E.A.R. 2 - Playable. Verify game cache integrity if you have issues or try running in Windows 8 Compatibility. (Tested by ikuri.)

F.E.A.R. 3 - Playable. Verify game cache integrity if you have issues or try running in Windows 8 compatibility mode. (Tested by ikuri.)

Final Fantasy IV - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Final Fantasy VII - Playable.

Final Fantasy VIII - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Firefall - Playable.

Five Nights At Freddy's (I, II, & III) - All playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

FORCED - Playable

The Forest - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Frogger (1997) - Playable. (Tested by colakid)

Frogger 2 : Swampy Revenge - Playable.

Gabriel Knight - Playable. (Tested by Jac70.)

Game Dev Tycoon - Playable.

Garry's Mod - Playable. (Tested by ephonk.)

Gas Guzzlers Extreme - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Ghostbusters : Sanctum of Slime - Playable.

Giana Sisters : Twisted Dreams - Playable.

Goat Simulator - Playable. (Tested by ephonk.)

Godus - Playable. (Tested by Murillo Ferrari.)

GRID - Playable.

GRID 2 - Playable.

Grim Dawn - Playable. (Tested by Auutumnal.)

GTA (Original GTA. Steam version that came with bundle) - Not Playable. (Display Issues.)

GTA 2 - Playable.

GTA III - Playable.

GTA : San Andreas - Playable.

GTA IV - Playable. (Tested by ephonk. See his reply on pg. 8 for details.)

GTA V - Playable. (Tested by Azrael's Kiss. Some screen tearing, vsync, and start up issues.)

Grand Theft Auto 5 iFruit App (Windows Store) - Not playable. (Tested by ephonk.)

GTA : Vice City (with patch) - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Guns of Icarus Online - Playable.

Guild Wars 2 - Playable. (Tested by Nirimetus.)

Guilty Gear Isuka - Playable. Don't click Esc. (Tested by ikuri.)

Halo 2 - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.) (Skip intro video using h2launcher.)

Half-Life - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Half-Life : Source - Playable.

Half-Life 2 - Playable.

Half-Life 2 : Deathmatch - Playable.

Hamachi - Not Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Hard Reset - Playable. (Tested by darkgamerx.)

HAWKEN - Playable.

Heart's Of Iron 3 - Playable. (Tested by AlanC9.)

Hellgate London - Playable. (Tested by DeathOfTime.)

Heroes Of Might and Magic III (GOG Ver) - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Heroes Of Might and Magic III : HD Edition (Steam Ver) - Playable.

Heroes Of Might and Magic IV (uPlay Ver) - Playable.

Heroes Of Might and Magic V (uPlay Ver) - Playable.

Heroes Of Might and Magic VI - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Heroes Of Might and Magic X Legacy - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Heroes Of The Storm - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Hitman : Codename 47 - Playable.

Hitman 2 : Silent Assassin - Playable.

Hitman : Contracts - Playable.

Hitman : Blood Money - Playable.

Hitman : Absolution - Playable.

Hitman : Sniper Challenge - Playable.

How To Survive - Playable. (Windows 8 Compatibility Mode.)

Injustice : God's Among Us Ultimate Edition - Playable.

Imperialism 2 - Playable. (Tested by AlanC9.)

Interstellar Marines - Playable.

The Joylancer : Legendary Motor Knight - Playable.

Judge Dredd : Dredd vs Death - Playable.

Just Cause - Playable. (Windows XP Compatibility Mode.)

Just Cause 2 - Playable. Needed to verify integrity of game cache first. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Just Cause 2 : Multiplayer Mod - Playable. Needed to verify integrity of game cache first. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Kane & Lynch : Dead Men - Playable. (Need to install xlive.dll.)

Kane & Lynch 2 : Dog Days - Playable.

Killing Floor - Playable.

Killing Floor 2 - Playable. (Tested by Nirimetus. Need to set KFGame.exe to run as admin.)

L.A. Noire - Playable. (Tested by Murillo Ferrari.)

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - Playable.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - Playable.

Left 4 Dead - Playable.

Left 4 Dead 2 - Playable.

League of Legends - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Legacy of Kain : Defiance - Playable. (Minor display issues due to lower resolution upon start. Fixed easily in game.)

Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver - Playable. (Minor display issues due to lower resolution upon start. Fixed easily in game.)

Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver 2 - Playable. (Minor display issues due to lower resolution upon start. Fixed easily in game.)

Legendary - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Legends of Norrath - Playable. (Tested by Lugoj_ESP .

LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes - Playable.

Lords Of The Fallen - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Magicite - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J .)

Magicka - Playable.

Maplestory - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Mark Of The Ninja - Playable.

Marvel Online - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Mass Effect 1 - Playable. (launcher throws a UAC warning, if you still have UAC turned on) (Tested by AlanC9.)

Mass Effect 2 - Playable. (Tested by ephonk.)

Mass Effect 3 - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Max Payne 3 - Playable.

Meltdown - Playable.

Meridian New World - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)


Metal Gear Solid : Ground Zero - Playable. (Tested by Jac70.)

Metal of Honor : Airborne - Not Playable.

Metro 2033 - Playable.

Metro 2033 : Redux - Playable.

Metro Last Light - Playable.

Metro Last Light : Redux - Playable.

Middle Earth : Shadow of Mordor - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Might & Magic : Clash of Heroes - Playable.

Minecraft - Playable. (Tested by DeathOfTime.)

Mirror's Edge - Playable.

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition - Playable.

Mortal Kombat X - Playable. (Tested by HarmlessBear.)

Moto Racer Collection - Playable.

Narco Terror - Playable.

NBA 2K 2015 - Playable.

Need For Speed : Carbon - Playable. (Tested by MELERIX.)

Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Need For Speed : Most Wanted (Original DVD Ver.) (2005) - Playable. (Tested by MELERIX.)

NiGHTS into Dreams... - Playable. (Newer Steam Ver. Issues with full screen at 1080.)

Nosgoth - Playable.

Obi & The Blind Forest - Playable. (Tested by GObonzo.)

OMIKRON THE NOMAD SOUL - Playable. (Tested by darkgamerx .)

Operation Flashpoint : Red River - Playable.

Orbital Gear - Playable.

Orborun - Playable.

Orcs Must Die - Playable.

Orcs Must Die 2 - Playable.

Oregon Trail : Directors Cut - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

ORION: Prelude - Playable.

Overlord - Playable.

Overlord II - Playable.

Painkiller Hell & Damnation - Playable.

Path of Exile - Playable. (Tested by Nirimetus.)

PAYDAY 2 - Playable. (several jobs tested and played out perfectly.)

Peggle - Playable.

Pillars Of Eternity - Playable. (Tested by Lugoj_ESP .)

Planetside 2 - Playable. (Tested by Jac70.)

Plants Vs Zombies : Garden Warfare - Playable.

Platypus II - Playable.

Portal - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Portal 2 - Playable. (Tested by AlanC9.)

Pressure - Playable.

Primal Carnage - Playable.

Project Cars - Playable. (Tested by Murillo Ferrari.)

Quake - Playable.

Quake (GL Quake) - Playable.

Quake World - Playable. (Didn't test on a server.)

Quake World (QL Quake World) - Playable. (Didn't test on a server.)

Quake 2 - Playable. (still some full screen issues with certain resolutions, but playable. Original CD ver has install issues. See comments.)

Quake 3 Arena - Not Playable. Display issues.

Quake 3 : Team Arena - Semi-Playable. Menu has some display issues, but played a multiplayer game with no issues. - So I'll put this in the playable with issues pile.

Quake 4 : Special Edition - Playable. (Tested by colakid.)

Rage - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Rayman : Legends - Playable.

Remember Me - Playable.

Resident Evil 4 / Biohazard 4- Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Resident Evil 5 - Playable.

Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6 - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations UE - Playable.

Rift - Playable. (Tested by darkgamerx.)

Rise Of The Triad (Original) - Playable. (Apogee Throwback Pack via Steam through DosBox.)

Rise Of The Triad (Redux. Steam Ver.) - Playable.

Risen - Playable.

Road Redemption - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Rocksmith 2014 - Playable. (Tested by Murillo Ferrari.)

Ryse : Son of Rome - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Saints Row IV - Playable. Needed to verify game integrity first. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Sanctum - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Sanctum 2 - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

The Secret World - Playable. (Tested by Auutumnal.)

Section 8 - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Serious Sam 3 : BFE - Playable.

Shadow Warrior : Classic Redux - Playable.

Shadow Warrior (2014) - Playable.

The Showdown Effect - Playable.

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - Playable. (Tested by AlanC9.)

Sid Meier's Civilization V - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Sim City 2000 - Playable.

Skiddy the Slippery Puzzle - Not Playable. (Tested by Swandy.)

Sleeping Dogs (Original) - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Sleeping Dogs : The Definitive Edition - Playable.

Slender The Arrival - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Space Engineers - Playable.

Space Hulk - Playable.

Spec Ops II : The Line - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

Star Trek Online - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Star Wars Battlefront II - Not Playable. (loads menu, fails to load mission. Tried two times. Single card or crossfire.)

Star Wars Commander App (From App Store) - Not Playable. (Tested by S Webb.)

Star Wars : The Old Republic - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

State of Decay - Playable. (Tested by Azrael's Kiss.)

Station Launcher - Playable. (Tested by dozrguy.)

Strider - Playable.

Stronghold HD - Not Playable.

Stronghold 2 - Playable.

Stronghold 3 - Playable.

Sugar Cube : Bittersweet Factory - Playable.

System Shock 2 - Playable.

Team Fortress 2 - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows - Playable. (Tested by darkgamerx.)

Tera - Playable. (Tested by Auutumnal.)

Terraria - Playable. (Tested by Charles A J.)

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Not Playable. (Crashes after a period of time. Tested by Deadeyez.)

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

The LEGO Movie - Playable.

They Bleed Pixels - Playable.

Thief (2014) - Playable.

This War of Mine - Playable. (Tested by Murillo Ferrari.)

Time Gentlemen, Please! - Playable.

Titan Quest - Playable. (Tested by Auutumnal.)

Titan Quest : Immortal Throne - Playable. (Tested by Auutumnal.)

Titanfall - Playable. (Also works in latest build as of 6/20/2015.)

To End All Wars - Playable. (Tested by csiemers.)

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six : Vegas - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six : Vegas 2 - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

Tomb Raider (2013) - Playable.

Tomb Raider I - Playable.

Tomb Raider II - Playable.

Tomb Raider II : Adventures of Lara Croft - Playable.

Tomb Raider : The Last Revelation - Playable.

Tomb Raider : Chronicles - Playable.

Tomb Raider (VI) : The Angel Of Darkness - Not playable. Possibly a settings thing.

Tomb Raider : Anniversary - Playable.

Tomb Raider : Legend - Playable.

Tomb Raider : Underworld - Playable.

Torchlight II - Playable.

Toxikk - Playable.

Train Simulator 2015 - Playable. (Tested by Chris-The-BiPolar-Bear.)

Trine : Enhanced Edition - Playable.

Trine 2 - Playable.

Tropico 4 - Playable.

Ultima VII - Playable.

Ultima VIII - Playable.

The Ultimate Doom (steam ver) - Playable. (Tested by Joey Asagiri.)

Unity Of Command - Not playable. (Loads into game but gets stuck at loading screen when choosing a game. Plays music, but nothing happens.)

Unreal - Playable. (Tested by colakid)

Unreal Tournament III : Black Edition - Playable.

Unturned - Playable. (Tested by Tidal Waves Lion.)

Valiant Hearts : The Great War - Playable.

Viscera Cleanup Detail : Shadow Warrior - Playable.

Warface - Playable.

Warframe - Playable.

Warhammer 40,000 : Kill Team - Playable. (Tested single player and couch co-op.)

Warhammer 40,000 : Space Marine - Playable. (Need to verify integrity of game cache first.)

Warthunder - Playable. (Tested by Lugoj_ESP .)

Wasteland 2 -  - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Watch Dogs - Playable. (Tested by NadyaKowalska.)

Watchmen : The End is Nigh - Playable.

Wheelman - Playable. (Tested by darkgamerx.)

Wildstar - Playable (Tested by Auutumnal.)

Wingcommander III - Playable.

Wingcommander IV - Playable.

The Witcher (Enhanced Edition) - Playable.

The Witcher 2 : Assassin's Of Kings (Enhanced Edition) - Playable.

The Witcher III - Playable. (Tested by Jac70.)

Wolfenstein New Order - Playable. (Both single card and crossfire.)

Wolfenstein : The Old Blood - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

Woolfe : The Red Hood Diaries - Playable.

World In Flames - Playable. (Tested by csiemers.)

World Of Warcraft - Playable. (Tested by Daemon Rebel.)

X-Com : Enemy Unknown - Playable.

Ys VI : The Ark Of Napishtim - Playable (Tested by Nirimetus.)

ZMR/Hazard Ops - Not Playable. (Crashes to desktop after about 2 minutes. Tested by Deadeyez.)

Zombie Driver HD - Playable. (Tested by Deadeyez.)

А вот и пруф на новость - http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_install/windows-10-games-compatibility-list/a31335a8-730f-4ac9-8c19-7c8c3a664ced?auth=1